Fraudulent Voter Registration made EASY by State of California

I received this email from Common Cause today. They are proud of their efforts to make it easier for ACORN and others to game the system with phony voter registrations.

Here is how it works—from your den you register your dog.  Then you apply for your dog to be a Permanent Absentee voter.  The dog gets the ballot, your friendly crook fills it out, sends it in and another phony voter is cast—with no one ever seeing if your dog actually exists.

“California Common Cause has worked closely with state and local elections officials and partner organizations to develop tools and programs to promote this new election registration technology. California has taken an important step in to make voting accessible, free and fair for eligible voters”

Common Cause left out a word.  “Free and fair—AND FRAUDULENT—yes for eligible voters—but who is really checking”?  More…