Archive for November, 2012

November 30, 2012

Krauthammer: Obama’s Trying To Destroy Republicans (video)

November 30, 2012

Republican Suckers

November 29, 2012 By GOP SC Republican Suckers

Republicans had better learn from history — and from Ronald Reagan’s mistake.


President Obama and his fellow big-spenders in Congress are promising that if they get higher tax rates today, they’ll make even higher spending cuts tomorrow.

It’s an old sucker’s game. Republicans — and the rest of the country — should know it by now because for three decades, we’ve all been suckers.

If history is our guide, and Republicans in Congress don’t grow a spine, by this time next year we’ll have higher taxes, higher spending, more debt, and a bigger government.

Twice before, Republicans have been fooled into playing the Democrats’ con game.

It happened to my father early in his first term when he sought to close a growing federal deficit caused by the deep economic recession. He believed that Democrats in Congress would keep their pledge to make $3 in future spending cuts for every $1 in immediate tax increases.  More…

November 30, 2012


November 30, 2012

Legislators Must Oppose a Carbon Tax

    One of the most disturbing pieces of news has been the way some Republicans in Congress have gone wobbly on the greatest hoax of the modern era, global warming or climate change or whatever other name is being applied to it as the effort to impose an insane tax on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is getting a push.

Let’s briefly examine the facts:  Read . . .

November 29, 2012

Pay attention to school district bond issues

California school districts face huge debt on risky bonds

About 200 districts have borrowed billions of dollars using so-called capital appreciation bonds. Districts may have to pay 10 to 20 times the amount borrowed.

Newport Harbor High SchoolNewport Harbor High School in Newport Beach is part of the Newport Mesa School District, which issued $83 million in long-term notes in May 2011. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times / November 28, 2012)
By Dan Weikel, Los Angeles Times/November 28, 2012, 5:45 p.m.

Two hundred school districts across California have borrowed billions of dollars using a costly and risky form of financing that has saddled them with staggering debt, according to a Times analysis.

Schools and community colleges have turned increasingly to so-called capital appreciation bonds in the economic downturn, which depressed property values and made it harder for districts to raise money for new classrooms, auditoriums and sports facilities.

Unlike conventional shorter-term bonds that require payments to begin immediately, this type of borrowing lets districts postpone the start of payments for decades. Some districts are gambling the economic picture will improve in the decades ahead, with local tax collections increasingly enough to repay the notes.  More…

November 29, 2012

PG&E misleads on rate increases


Editor’s Note: This is Part 2 of two. Part 1 is here

Nov. 27, 2012/By Katy Grimes

PG&E has openly misled about rate increases. In February 2011, PG&E announced the utility expected its electric rate to remain steady into 2011. Then it was revealed that PG&E’s 2011-2013 General Rate Case would bring more rate increases.

As I wrote in February, “The game was clever: While decreasing the rates by 0.8 percent on January 1, 2011, and increasing rates again by 1.5 percent on March 1, the net result was an increase of 0.7 percent. PG&E got its rate increase.”

Every three years, General Rate Cases provide the California Public Utilities Commission a chance to perform an exhaustive review of utility company revenues, expenses, and investments into utility infrastructure.

And every three years, PG&E requests rate increases, and the CPUC approves them.  More…

November 28, 2012

World News – Grover Norquist We need revenue through growth, not taxes (video)

November 28, 2012

Enormous Ugly Fiscal Bill before end of year (video)

November 28, 2012

Where Is Darrell Issa? (video)


November 28, 2012

Money Losing its Political Power! Dick Morris Video

November 27, 2012

Did Obama REALLY have an Absentee Ballot? (video)

Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law

| November 7, 2012 |
Was the election stolen? Remember all those lawsuits by Democrats demanding that any voter identification laws be repealed. Well, now we know why they filed them. They needed to steal the vote in certain key states so that Obama could be reelected.  Read on . . .
November 27, 2012

We Need a New Jeffersonian President

The Two Real Parties: The Hamiltonians And The Jeffersonians

November 25, 2012 By ahamilton 65 The Two Real Parties: The Hamiltonians And The Jeffersonians

The two opposing political philosophies being debated in 2012 can be traced back to George Washington’s presidency.  Alexander Hamilton, Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury and a Federalist,  offered an economic plan that created a centralized bank (First Bank of the United States), imposed trade tariffs and exise taxes, and had the federal government assume all of the states’ debt. He justified government expansion by referring to implied powers implicit in the Constitution. Former Federalist Thomas Jefferson opposed the expansion of government,  supported states rights, and followed a more explicit interpretation of the Constitution with strict limitations on federal government. Eventually, Jefferson’s side formed a party referred to by historians and people of the time as Republicans, but known today as Democratic-Republicans. Hamilton and Jefferson are the patrons of the two opposing American political philosophies of big government vs. small government.  Read on . . .

November 27, 2012

Are You A ‘Right Wing Extremist?’ (video)

November 23, 2012

Latest U-Haul Index Shows Californians Leaving For Texas

November 23, 2012 By

U Haul SC Latest U Haul Index Shows Californians Leaving for Texas

One of the best indicators of a state’s economic health, according to John Merline, writing in Investor’s Business Daily, is the “U-Haul Index” (first publicized by economist Mark Perry) to see what people are paying to move into, or out of, the state. Renting a 20-foot truck one way from San Francisco to San Antonio, Texas, for example, costs $1,693. Going in the other direction, however, costs only $983 for the same truck.

As Perry explains:

The American people and businesses are voting with their feet and their one-way truck rentals to escape California and its forced unionism, high taxes, and high unemployment rate for a better life in low-tax, business-friendly, right-to-work states like Texas.

They have lots of reasons to leave. According to the Tax Foundation, “Tax Freedom Day” arrives earlier in Texas than it does in California, due to its zero individual and corporate income tax and a lower sales tax. Put together, Texas’ state and local tax burden is less than eight percent of income, well below the national average of nearly 10 percent, while California’s is almost 12 percent.

This enormous disparity puts California the 48th out of the 50 states in the foundation’s overall business tax climate index, while Texas ranks ninth.

It isn’t all about taxes, however. Its regulatory environment and yawning fiscal deficits are chasing companies away to more favorable locales. Part is the state’s determined efforts to increase still further its tax burden on high income earners — now an astounding 13 percent — along with its implementation of policies favored by the Obama administration in Washington. As Joel Kotkin of put it,

California will serve as the prime testing ground for President Obama’s form of post-economic liberalism. Every dream program that the Administration embraces — cap and trade, massive taxes on the rich, high-speed rail — is either in place or on the drawing boards.

Read More at . By Bob Adelmann.

November 23, 2012

WND’s Joseph Farah: I Believe Obama Won The Election Through Fraud (video)

On Wednesday, our good friend Joseph Farah appeared on Alex Jones’ radio show to talk about voter fraud.

Reposted from

November 23, 2012

Congressman Dares Obama

November 23, 2012 By

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) challenged President Obama Wednesday morning on America’s Newsroom: “Instead of taking up for Susan Rice, you come in her place and testify before Congress.”

November 21, 2012

I can’t believe we made it (fun video)

November 21, 2012

Dick Morris Video (18 Nov 2012) – Stop UN Control of the Internet

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November 21, 2012

Judge Jeanine To Obama: You Either Sent Help Or You Didn’t (video)

November 21, 2012

Why Was David Petraeus Investigated At All?

November 20, 2012 By

General David Petraeus SC Why was David Petraeus investigated at all?

What caused the Federal Bureau of Investigation to play the role of voyeur in the affair between David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell? We have been told that FBI agent Fred Humphries—the instigator of the original investigation into “threatening emails” sent by Broadwell to Jill Kelley–was concerned that secret documents might have been passed to or stolen by Broadwell. Yet the FBI made it clear that a breach of national security was NOT at issue in their investigation. “By late October, the FBI had concluded there was no national security breach and was only pursuing a criminal investigation of the harassing emails and whether Petraeus had played any role in them.”  More…

November 21, 2012

Stalin Would Be Proud Of The Crooks Who Stole Allen West’s Congressional Seat

November 20, 2012 By

Joseph Stalin SC Stalin Would Be Proud Of The Crooks Who Stole Allen Wests Congressional Seat

As reports flood the web about massive voter fraud in the presidential election, a statewide appeal  in Florida is going out today to all Tea Party members, conservatives, and independents to contact Governor Rick Scott to urge him to NOT certify election results in tomorrow’s deadline.  Florida’s U.S. 18th Congressional Race is still up for grabs because (reportedly) the Golden Gate Precinct #93, a mobile home park on the border with St. Lucie and Martin counties, had some 900 votes cast with only SEVEN people registered to vote!  More…

November 21, 2012

Allen West Concedes Despite Massive Voter Fraud (video)

November 20, 2012

Dick Morris – Benghazi Cover-Up… Impeachable Offenses?

November 20, 2012

CA City Employees Paid More Than it Appears

Average CA city employee compensation over $140,000/year!

Richard RiderPosted by at 1:37 pm on Nov 18, 2012

Okay, my headline may not be the average for all California cities. But for the three cities that have been analyzed below, it IS true.

Yet if you believe our state’s highly respected (respected by the MSM, that is) elected Controller, Democrat John Chiang, you’d think many public employees are one paycheck away from going Dempsey Dumpster diving.  That fiction is ably rebutted in the article below.  As the cliché says, this is a must read piece.

Here’s a quick comparison between the “average wages” used by Chiang and the more honest “average total compensation” cost to taxpayers.

Anaheim: “average wages” = $53,927.

Anaheim: “average total compensation” = $146,551. 

Costa Mesa: “average wages” = $71,379.

Costa Mesa: “average total compensation” = $146,863. 

San Jose: “average wages” = $61,308.

San Jose: “average total compensation” = $149,907.

Be advised — this comparison significantly understates both the average wage AND average total compensation.  Chiang includes part-time workers in his average, and ignores “special pay” and overtime.  Plus the full taxpayer cost of the benefits is understated.

Read the whole article.  Then go take out your aggression on a punching bag.

November 20, 2012

Greenhut: Sac Bee’s cheap shot at McClintock and conservatives

by Stephen Frank on 11/19/2012 ·

The mainstream media can not stop abusing conservatives and misleading the public about our views.  The Left loves the snide remarks to make a point.

“It’s even clunkier to write, “People who consider themselves to be conservative …” That’s kind of weird, actually. I read many of the Bee’s edits and can’t recall the writers there ever referring to people who consider themselves to be liberal. Obviously, conservatives aren’t even smart enough to know whether they are actually conservative. They can only consider themselves to be that way. And then the comment about rigidity is a childish put-down, the equivalent of the Washington Post writer who in the 1980s argued that evangelicals are poorly educated and easily led. Conservatives, or at least those who think they are conservatives, are so rigid they like politicians such as McClintock.”

In these economic times do you really need to pay to be demeaned and insulted?




Sac Bee’s cheap shot at McClintock and conservatives

By Steven Greenhut, Calwatchdog,   11/19/12

The Sacramento Bee’s lead editorial today lavished praise on one of California’s most destructive politicians in a generation, U.S. Rep. Dan Lungren, the Sacramento-area Republican who lost his seat to Democrat Ami Bera. Bera is a lightweight leftist, but Lungren was a rigid, law-and-order “conservative” — an advocate for three strikes, police unions, gun restrictions and, most horribly, civil forfeiture laws that undermine civil liberties by marrying police powers to the profit motive. Odd that the supposedly liberal Bee could find nothing bad to say about him, although it’s no surprise that the newspaper favors Republicans who advocate big government and are, better yet, are losers.

Buried within its editorial, however, is this cheap shot against U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock and against conservatives in general: “Lungren had considered challenging Rep. Tom McClintock, the career politician who was elected in a new district that includes Lake Tahoe and Yosemite many miles from his Elk Grove home. People who consider themselves to be conservatives are attracked to McClintock’s rigid politics.”

Where to begin?

First, the “career politician” label is as cheap as it gets. The clever writers on the edit page know that conservatives often rail against career politicians and McClintock has indeed made a career out of politics. But so has Lungren. So has the steady stream of Democratic pols that the Bee prefers. It’s just such a clunky put-down, though.

It’s even clunkier to write, “People who consider themselves to be conservative …” That’s kind of weird, actually. I read many of the Bee’s edits and can’t recall the writers there ever referring to people who consider themselves to be liberal. Obviously, conservatives aren’t even smart enough to know whether they are actually conservative. They can only consider themselves to be that way. And then the comment about rigidity is a childish put-down, the equivalent of the Washington Post writer who in the 1980s argued that evangelicals are poorly educated and easily led. Conservatives, or at least those who think they are conservatives, are so rigid they like politicians such as McClintock.

They aren’t flexible free thinkers such as the Bee edit writers who love Lungren in part because he isn’t too “self-important and thin-skinned” to “return a phone call.” And because he was Republican always willing to buck those darn Tea Partiers and do things like lobby for billions of dollars for the region.

In my experience, the pols that people who claim to be liberals like (Darrell Steinberg, John Perez, etc.) are even more rigid than McClintock. They consistently pursue bigger government. Jerry Brown, despite his flexible rhetoric, has been amazingly rigid in his quest for higher taxes. I’ve never heard the Bee refer to them as rigid. Lungren was one of the most rigid police-state Republicans I’ve ever seen. Check out McClintock’s ratings in those conservative and liberal interest-group scorecards — he’s a consistent (rigid if you are rigidly liberal) libertarian, which means that he is one of the few California pols who doesn’t receive 100 or 0 ratings.

The edit writers finished their 10-paragraph goodbye editorial by praising Lungren’s sense of honor. I’ll take their word on it, but few politicians — honorable or otherwise — have done more to undermine the freedoms and civil liberties we all enjoy. Then again, I’m probably just being too rigid.