January 4, 2013

Egyptian mag affirms Brotherhood infiltration of White House

Claims 6 American Muslims have strong influence on U.S. policy


Effectively affirming the concerns of five much-maligned Republican House members and the evidence presented in an investigative book, an Egyptian magazine claims six American Muslim leaders who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who have significant influence on U.S. policy.

Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine, in a Dec. 22 story, said the six men turned the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”  Read more

January 3, 2013

It’s the Drugs, Stupid!

pillsBy Charles Gant and Greg Lewis


Psychotropic drugs have been used for the purpose of suppressing fear and enabling murderous rage for a long time. In Dispatches, his extraordinary book about the war in Vietnam, Michael Herr passes this along about the use of drugs by American soldiers:

Going out at night the medics gave you pills. . . . I knew one 4th Division Lurp [Long-Range Reconnaissance Patrol] who took his pills by the fistful, downs from the left pocket of his tiger suit and ups from the right, one to cut the trail, the other to send him down it. He told me that they cooled things out just right for him, that he could see that old jungle at night like he was looking at it through a starlight scope.  Read more: 

January 3, 2013

Passion 2013 Tells 60,000 Students: You Don’t Need an Event, You Need Jesus

By Ruth Malhotra , CP Guest Contributor/January 2, 2013|9:50 am
passion conference

(Courtesy of Passion Conference)
More than 60,000 college students have gathered for the four-day Passion 2013 conference – the largest single gathering of the movement in North America thus far – in Atlanta, Georgia, from January 1 to 4, 2013.

ATLANTA – A strong sense of anticipation, energy and purpose was evident all over downtown Atlanta Tuesday as over 60,000 students and ministry leaders from across the country and around the world descended on the Georgia Dome and Georgia World Congress Center for the Passion 2013 conference.

“Is this not incredible?” Passion founder and visionary architect Louie Giglio said as he surveyed the energized crowd. “It’s no longer a dream, but reality. And I can tell you that you are much louder tonight than the crowd watching football here last night!”

Passion staff and volunteer teams had worked tirelessly to set up the Georgia Dome in a matter of hours following the Chick-fil-A Bowl football game which ended late Monday night.  Read more

January 1, 2013

Has Chicago-Style Voter Fraud Come To California?

Katy Grimes by
Voter fraud is real. It always has been. Some political consultants have said that the Democratic Party has perfected it. If the November election is any example, voter fraud appears to be thriving in California.

But voter fraud is something that Republicans have traditionally refused to discuss. “The truth is that voter fraud occurs frequently, and it determines who wins elections infrequently,” election lawyer J. Christian Adams found. “The integrity of the electoral process is perhaps more important than who wins and loses an election. Lawlessness in elections corrodes the entire democratic process.

The sweeping Democratic wins in California have many scratching their heads.

No voter ID, provisional ballots, online registration

No voter identification required to vote in California, the increased use of provisional ballots, and online voter registration generate a trifecta for election fraud.  More…

December 30, 2012

Confiscating Guns During Katrina (video)

December 28, 2012

Feinstein Goes For Broke With New Gun-Ban Bill

Posted on December 27, 2012gun

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)—author of the federal “assault weapon” and “large” ammunition magazine ban of 1994-2004—has announced that on the first day of the new Congress—January 3rd— she will introduce a bill to which her 1994 ban will pale by comparison. On Dec. 17th, Feinstein said, “I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation” and “It will be carefully focused.” Indicating the depth of her research on the issue, she said on Dec. 21st that she had personally looked at pictures of guns in 1993, and again in 2012.  Read more . . .

December 28, 2012

Legislators make new push to gut Prop. 13

Dec. 27, 2012/By Katy Grimes



The final votes from the November election were not even counted before state Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, introduced a constitutional amendment to Proposition 13 to forever alter the landmark tax-revolt measure.

Let the debate begin.  Read on . . .

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December 27, 2012

The Tea Party Has Not Yet Begun to Fight

If the Tea Party has been weakened by the November election, why are the mainstream media expending so much effort attacking it? 

The latest attempt is today’s front-page article by the New York Times, which alleges that the Tea Party is turning to “narrower” issues and suggests, none too subtly, that Congress should stop paying attention to it.

As proof, the Times offers the fact that Republican leaders “have embraced raising tax revenues in budget negotiations, repudiating a central tenet of the Tea Party.” It ignores the fact that Republican leaders could not muster the votes in the House to pass those proposals. 

To the great frustration of the mainstream media and the GOP establishment alike, the Tea Party continues to hold the line against tax hikes and new bailouts. It also won a significant victory with the recent passage of right-to-work legislation in Michigan.  More…

December 27, 2012

CA Immigration Policy in for big-time change

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, shown here in October protesting Gov. Jerry Brown’s veto of the TRUST Act, recently reintroduced the bill. And this time it could make it, due to bipartisan talk of immigration reform.


Look sharp, Sacramento. And brush up on your Spanish: The immigration debate is set to flare up once again in Washington, D.C., but the path to citizenship may begin here in the state Capitol.

Democratic state Assemblyman Tom Ammiano recently, and for the third time, introduced the TRUST Act to the California Legislature. This bill would limit state law enforcement’s participation in Secure Communities, a system introduced by President George W. Bush and expanded by the Obama administration that allows federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement to ask local police and sherrif departments across the country to hold undocumented immigrants already in custody for the purpose of deportation.  More…

December 27, 2012

Sure, the GOP must change, but …

Elephant orphanage - wikipediaBy Steven Greenhut

Without fail, whenever Republicans lose elections, liberal commentators eagerly chime in with advice designed to “help” the GOP become more relevant and competitive. The advice is so common and predictable that it leaves me wondering whether the journalists who offer it simply regurgitate old columns saved on their computer. The latest dose of this comes from Thomas Elias, a liberal columnist who has been offering Californians the same liberal advice for many years.

December 26, 2012

New Tax for Californians?


by Stephen Frank on 12/25/2012 ·

My good friend Tom Elias is a liberal—but an honest one. He can call out a bad tax when he see’s it.  The “parcel tax” is a bad one.  Folks who do not own property—and are economic illiterates—think it is a free tax—a tax on someone else.  Of course, the landlord that pays a parcel tax passes it on to the tenants via higher rent.  The dolts who voted to have others pay higher taxes are the one’s harmed.

Now the Democrats want to make it easier to raise taxes—and harm even more people.

“Why are parcel taxes unfair? Because they have nothing to do with the value or use of any particular property. Parcel taxes almost always assess owners an identical sum for each property they possess. That means the tax on a small one- or two-bedroom cottage is identical to the levy on a luxury hotel or a large shopping mall. The owner of a 33,000 square foot mansion pays the same as the owner of a property one-twentieth as large.”

See the full story

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December 26, 2012

$200 for your gun

San Francisco And Oakland Crowds Hand Over Guns in Buyback

December 22, 2012/Source: Breitbart

In San Francisco and Oakland on Saturday, citizens brought their guns to sell to the police in return for cash. Every volunteer who returned a gun was $200 richer walking away. The line was so long in San Francisco that there was no cash left after lunchtime and I.O.U.s were substituted instead.

Oakland’s citizens gave even more guns back, including assault weapons and Ak-47s; the line of people returning guns, which was comprised of those standing and those in cars, was almost two miles long. A limit of three per person was imposed.

Oakland’s police chief, Howard Jordan, said, “When we remove guns off our streets that could be used in a crime, we reduce the possibility of our youth and community being a victim.”

Read More…

December 26, 2012

Armed Coup at Freedom Works

Dick Armey Literally Led An Armed Coup At FreedomWorks Right Before His $8 Million Ouster

New details have emerged yesterday about the events leading up to Dick Armey’s ouster as the head of the Tea Party affiliated FreedomWorks group.

Initially, all that was known about Armey’s exit was that it involved an “internal clash,” primarily between Armey and the group’s president Matt Kibbe. 

Armey is set to recieve $8 million in consulting fees over 20 years paid for by Richard Stephenson, a Republican fundraiser and founder of Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

The new details indicate that this was an extremly literal clash.

On September 4 Armey, flanked by his wife and an aide, lead an actual armed coup against several coworkers prior to the election. 

From Amy Gardner at the Washington Post, here’s what happened:

Richard K. Armey, the group’s chairman and a former House majority leader, walked into the group’s Capitol Hill offices with his wife, Susan, and an aide holstering a handgun at his waist. The aim was to seize control of the group and expel Armey’s enemies: The gun-wielding assistant escorted FreedomWorks’ top two employees off the premises, while Armey suspended several others who broke down in sobs at the news.

The overthrow lasted six days and at the end of it all Armey left FreedomWorks with an $8 million severance package. Evidently Richard Stevenson wanted Armey out and the fired staff in and was willing to pay for Armey’s exit.

All of Armey’s “enemies” now remain at the Tea Party group. 

Read the full article here.

December 26, 2012

The Left on the Attack

gun controlNRA’s LaPierre Getting the Alinsky Treatment

Joseph Smith


Since the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre proposed armed security for every school, the left has reacted with the same Alinsky tactics used on Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney — freeze the target, personalize it, demonize it.

Within minutes of the NRA press conference and its Code Pink interruptions, MSNBC called LaPierre’s comments a “train wreck… a dramatic statement about the absurdity of the NRA’s increasingly twisted worldview.”Read more: 

December 23, 2012

History of Class Warfare! Dick Morris Video

December 22, 2012

Chuck Woolery on Assault Weapons (video)

December 21, 2012

Deck the Halls with Macro Follies (video)

December 21, 2012


Newtown the Latest Example of Media Overkill

I have been a resident of Newtown for over 30 years, save for a few years in the 1990s. On behalf of all us, I beg the media: Please go away. The healing will begin, but not until the news trucks and reporters shoving microphones in our faces go away.…»

The impulse to exploit a school shooting remains an irresistible temptation for our friends on the left.…»
Do the “we know best” government bureaucrats who birthed ObamaCare think doctors will simply stay still in the wake of this beast?…»
When an event such as the Newtown Massacre occurs, we are told how to speak with our children to prevent traumatizing them. But it is we, the adults, who are drinking of the soporific of constant review, reformulation, and rehash to sooth our troubled souls. …»
Trying to persuade establishment Republicans that he’s serious about what they’re serious about: playing the Democrats’ game, somewhat, by addressing as important an issue that is a straw man’s straw man.…»
Those seeking the “root causes” of the massacre at Sandy Hook need to look deeper than simple calls for gun control will allow.…»
Which is the greatest priority in public education, teaching our children, or fulfilling a teacher’s selfish interests? …»
December 20, 2012

Tribulation and redemption in Obama’s America

Exclusive: David Kupelian on the real secret to preserving ‘the last, best hope of earth’

In the biblical story of the prodigal son, a headstrong and foolish young man leaves his father’s home for “a far country” where he soon squanders his entire inheritance on “harlots” and other unspecified “riotous living.”

But that’s not the end of the story.

With the father’s money gone, the son’s good times quickly turn bad, especially when “a mighty famine” arises in the land. What seemed at first to have been a life of newfound freedom and personal gratification has become one of tribulation and suffering. Yet because of that suffering, he at last comes to his senses. Starving and remorseful, yet too ashamed to return home as a son, he determines instead to journey back and offer himself to his father as just another hired servant. That way, at least, he won’t starve.  Read more

December 17, 2012

.Katherine Jenkins – O Come All Ye Faithful (video)

December 16, 2012


Oath Keepers Bill of Rights Day Message: Prepare to Fight for Bill of Rights

Today, December 15 is Bill of Rights Day, the anniversary of its ratification in 1791.  Few Americans even know about it.  No doubt every Veteran’s Day you pay proper respects to the men who gave their lives for our freedom, but do you pay proper respect to what they defended with their blood, sweat, and tears?


There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights.”-Marine General Smedley Butler.

Listen to “Old Gimlet Eye” (as Marines fondly call General Butler). He knew what he was talking about.  Here is a man who fought all over the globe for Uncle Sam.  He was the only Marine to be awarded the Corps’ Brevet Medal and TWO Medals of Honor, all for action on separate occasions.  A true warrior’s warrior.  And after all that warfare, after all the combat he saw, that is what he had to say about what was worth fighting for.   Our homes, and the Bill of Rights.  He knew, and understood, that the Bill of Rights is the crown jewel of this constitutional republic, that without the Bill of Rights, there is no America, and above all else, it must be defended with our lives, our fortune, and our sacred honor.

Now there was a Marine who understood his oath (Semper F’ing Fi Marine!).  Do you understand yours?  Do you know the Bill of Rights?  Do you know the history of its clauses and why they were written?  More…

December 14, 2012

THE PROBLEM in Plain English (video)

December 11, 2012

Shortsighted CA schools take virtual ‘pay day loans’ to keep operating


Tyler Durden has this nailed: 

These three letters – C.A.B. – might just be the Dis-Humor story of the day. NPR reports that more than 200 schools across California are coming to the shocking realization that the upfront cash they needed so badly came at quite a price. These ‘Capital Appreciation Bonds’ are unlike normal bonds (requiring regular coupon payments and principal repayment); instead they provide the ‘lent’ money upfront and defer all interest and repayment to some magical faery land time in the future (by which time the interest accrued has grown exponentially as the interest accrues on the rising ‘principal plus previously accrued interest’). Brilliant – as the Guinness chaps might say.  More . . .

December 11, 2012

No sales tax on the Internet! Dick Morris Video

December 11, 2012

.The Emergence of Political Parties in America! Dick Morris Video